I'MPRO IMPRO workshop - weekend - Warsaw

in-house classes (weekend)
Organizational details
Course formula
classroom - weekend course
weekend - 2-3.03
11:00 - 17:00
Dreamers and Craftsmen - Bracka 25/III
max. 15 people
960 PLN (0% VAT) till 25.02
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Course description

Do you get stressed when something doesn't go according to plan? Want to act effectively in unplanned situations? Join a practical course in applied improvisation for business and develop your interpersonal skills while having fun!

Classes in applied improvisation can be found in the programs of such prestigious universities as the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Stanford and the University of California (UCLA). Improvisation is also taught to future leaders in MBA programs, as well as employees of the most recognizable companies, e.g. Google, Microsoft and Pixar. Why? Because impro combines practical development of key soft skills (brilliance, attentiveness, self-confidence, etc.) with an interactive, relaxed classroom format.

course syllabus

The course consists of two days of workshops conducted in an intimate group.

During the workshop we will address such issues as:

  1. Plans and spontaneity
  2. Cooperation and teamwork
  3. Perfectionism and error avoidance
  4. Creativity and innovation
  5. Emotional intelligence and communication
  6. Flexibility and ability to improvise
for whom?

This course is for you if you want:

level your stress and stop over-planning all possible scenarios,
▸ increase your flexibility and feel calm in surprising situations,
▸ develop your emotional intelligence to better understand yourself and other people,
nimbly manage your team and consciously create a healthy organizational culture,
▸ develop your communication skills to get along better with customers and colleagues,
▸ develop your creativity, to think outside the box and solve problems creatively,
collaborate better with others to achieve better results and get more job satisfaction,
▸ increase your spontaneity to use more humor in your daily activities,
▸ improve yourself
through smart play that develops your brain and cognitive abilities,
▸ increase your level of professionalism in changing times by mastering improvisation skills in business.

What does the workshop look like?

The course takes the form of an interactive workshop. This means that we will experience in order to draw conclusions about our own patterns of thinking and acting. The workshop is based on techniques and improvisation exercises. We will develop, but most of all have fun.

Who runs

Bart Jurkowski - psychologist, trainer, improviser. Head (and Shoulders) at I'MPRO IMPRO - an organization developing business soft skills and emotional intelligence through applied improvisation techniques. Ex-Senior Consultant at Deloitte Digital. Since 2016, he has been developing the practical application of improvisation techniques in business, which he learned in Warsaw, Los Angeles and Chicago. He has trained managers and teams of organizations such as MasterCard, Google, Deloitte, Whirlpool and Janssen Pharmaceuticals. He teaches improvisation classes for leaders in MBA courses at the Wroclaw School of Banking.

Participant feedback:
  • "The Impro workshop teaches cooperation, co-creation, teamwork in an enjoyable and light-hearted way. Bart successively helped us experience building a safe space and trust and creating an environment where creativity can occur. We learned to feel excitement and calm in unpredictable situations." Eve Bocian, New Work Catalyst & Consciousness Guide, ConsciousOrganization.org
  • "Applied improvisation classes correspond perfectly with the challenges of the current times. We can't prepare a plan for all the changes and events that await us, but we can prepare ourselves to respond and improvise fluently. The class strengthened my alertness to active and deep listening. It is also extremely important to be open to abstract ideas and mistakes, which we were able to practice during the class. Adam Kampa, CEO, New Jaworzno TAURON Group
  • "Applied improvisation classes made me realize how much can be changed in everyday life by adjusting the right approach and changing the way I think. In particular, I learned how to solve problems better and expanded my creative analysis skills." Damian Wojciechowski, Senior Consultant, Deloitte
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